Our number one drip for sickness and recovery.
POTENTIAL BENEFITS: Helps support immune function and fight inflammation. Great for pre- or post-travel.
KEY NUTRIENTS: Megadose Vitamin C, Zinc, Lysine
PLUS: B-Complex, B12, Calcium, Magnesium, B6, Trace Minerals

During Flu Season

Battling A Virus, Cold, Or Infection

Feeling Lethargic With No Energy

You’re Prone To Getting Sick

Adrenal & Chronic Fatigue

Mental Fog Or Feeling Sluggish
Reinforce Your Auto-Immune Defenses
Support your Immune System
Increases Antioxidant Capabilities to Naturally Detoxify Your Body
Builds Your Natural Defenses
Vitamin C
Often used in preventative care, Vitamin C helps boost immune function and promote wound healing, maintaining healthy immune function.
This wound-mending Earth metal helps boost immunity, assists in blood clotting, and plays a critical role in maintaining healthy vision.
Lysine is known to increase the absorption of calcium in the intestine and assist in the treatment and prevention of viral infections.
Half of the population are deficient in Vitamin D. Unless you live in the tropics year-round, chances are you aren’t getting enough of Vitamin D, aka: “The Sunshine Hormone.”

This can weaken the immune system, affect muscle and bone health, and most commonly impair mood and concentration. Improve your mood, sleep, and concentration levels with a blast of sunshine containing 50,000 units of Vitamin D.
What exactly is NutriDrip?
NutriDrip offers IV Nutritional therapy; administered by a registered nurse via a catheter injected directly into the bloodstream. IV treatments are used for their unparalleled effectiveness for delivering nutrients to the body in a form optimized for 100% absorption and bioavailability!
Aren’t they only used in hospitals?
IV’s can only be administered by trained medical practitioners, and we hire the same professionals that hospitals do. We’ve created a relaxing and luxuriate environment where infusions are designed to prevent illness and help the body achieve a state of homeostasis by using the same powerful techniques used by doctors. Clients who receive our service leave the experience feeling lifted, refreshed and relaxed, which is very different than the experience found in any emergency room.
How long does the NutriDrip infusion take?
Each person and protocol varies, but as a general guide, the infusion can last anywhere from 30-60 minutes.
More Questions? Check out our How It Works.
*IV drips will vary in color (red, orange, yellow, or clear) depending on the vitamins & nutrients used. The colors used on the menu & website serve as a way to help clients differentiate between the various services offered.