IV Drips
Vitamin Add-ons

Continuum Energy
Boost Energy Levels
45 mins
Potential Benefits:
Help your body stay hydrated while boosting B Vitamins and keeping your head in the game with Taurine and Carnitine
Jumpstart hydration and replenish nutrients for a long day ahead
May increase metabolism and sexual vitality
Key Nutrients:
Electrolyte Fluids, B12, B-Complex, Taurine, Carnitine
Vitamin C, Magnesium, Trace Minerals
Continuum Immunity
Supercharge Your Immunity
60 mins
Potential Benefits:
Reduces the intensity and duration of viruses
Helps the body fight inflammation and infection
Great for depleted immune systems and frequent travel
Key Nutrients:
Megadose Vitamin C, Zinc, Lysine
B-Complex, B12, Magnesium, Trace Minerals
Continuum Recovery
Severe Hangover
45 mins
Potential Benefits:
Replenishes electrolytes and dehydration levels
Boosts immunity, vitality & liver function
Great for food poisoning, dehydration, jet lag, inflammation and hangovers
Key Nutrients:
Electrolyte Fluids, Vitamin C, B12, Glutathione
B-Complex, Magnesium, Option of Pain or Nausea RX Medication
All statements on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This service is intended only for healthy Adults. Medical Services operating by JMB Medical PLLC & Dr. Maurice Beer.